Meet the Faculty

Bradley Lipinski, Associate Professor
Bradley Lipinski is an associate professor of philosophy and humanities at Cuyahoga Community College. He holds a Master of Arts degree in philosophy from Cleveland State University and a Juris Doctor from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
Lipinski is a member of University Hospitals Case Medical Center’s ethics committee and a voting member of the institutional review board at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center.
Samuel Li Puma, Associate Professor
Samuel LiPuma has taught philosophy courses at Cuyahoga Community College since 1991. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in philosophy from the University of Dayton and a Certificate of Advanced Study in bioethics from Cleveland State University.
LiPuma has published papers in the field of bioethics in The American Journal of Bioethics, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, and The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, among others. His work centers on end-of-life care and brain death.
Justin Miller, Assistant Professor
Justin Miller, assistant professor of philosophy at Cuyahoga Community College, has served students in the Robert L. Lewis Academy of Scholars for 10 years. He teaches a wide range of philosophy and humanities courses including Social Justice (PHIL-208H), which he considers one of the most rewarding.
Miller has assisted many scholars with their independent study projects and has served on the academy’s standing committee. He currently serves as chair of the Eastern Campus Faculty Senate and coordinator of Philosophy, Humanities and Religious Studies.